Where to stay near Tjapukai

Where to stay near Tjapukai is easy. We suggest to stay as close by as possible. This is our best tip on where to stay near Tjapukai as this will save you time and money . Some online OTA sites list where to stay near Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park including hotels, lodging, motels and Bed&Breakfast accommodations but are all of their options the closest by?

Our suggestions don’t include big Cairns city hotels but rather small local holiday apartments and holiday house that are just at 6 – 7 minutes drive away from Tjapukai. Convenience, budget, safety and beautiful settings are some of the benefits of being as close to Tjapukai. This is important especially when you would like to experience The Tjapukai Night Show (Night Fire) or spend the day exploring Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park.

One of our best tips

aboriginalOne of our best tips on where to stay near Tjapukai is Villa Marine. This small accommodation has been awarded Best Standard Accommodation  for the region 3 times and we like their affordability. Most of all we like how they support aboriginal and indigenous artists. Many indigenous aboriginal art works are displayed throughout their villas. We like the fact that they support local aboriginal art works and not overseas copies, in other words there is an extra bonus with this close by accommodation, is that they can put you in touch with local aboriginal artists.

Another tip on where to stay near Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park is Cairns Holiday House. Live like a local but enjoy being so close to Tjapukai

Villa Marine Cairns Honeymoon apartment collage


Tjapukai Tour Bookings

Our local Tourist Information Centre can book you Tjapukai by Night experience or your Tjapukai by Day experience or any other Cairns Tours you like. We are highly experienced with Cairns aboriginal tours and have specials, discounts, vouchers for cheaper entry. Book your accommodation close to Tjapukai and your Tours all at the same time. With our 20 years experience selling Tjapukai Experiences just ask or friendly Tourist Information Centre Staff.

Cairns Beaches Tourist Information Centre

Phone ☎ : 07 4055 7158

Mail 💌 : info@cairnsdiscounttours.com.au